Tuesday, March 15, 2005

The Finch Chronicles: A Mother's Prerogative

We have nesting activity. I repeat, we have nesting activity.

I'm excited, Tim's excited, even Daddy Finch is excited. We have an egg nestled nicely in the nest. I peeked into the nest this morning to see what was happening and saw the little egg sitting in the middle, surrounded by cotton fluff and feathers, generously donated by Louise. I thought I might offer some more cotton because it looked pretty packed in and like it could have used some more smush. So I pull a cotton ball apart and stick it between the bars of the cage. I've learned that they like it better that way - they have developed an "Anna-shall-not-put-ANYTHING-in-our-nest" rule. If I do, they throw it out. I think they like feeling like they're "harvesting" stuff for their nest. So I stuff the cotton between the bars and go about my morning routine. As I pass the cage, I catch Daddy Finch pulling some cotton and putting it in the nest. I thought "Oh, how cute... he's helping!". When I walked by 10 minutes later, Mommy Finch was sitting in the nest, squawking, and throwing the cotton out that Daddy Finch had put in. God bless men, they know not what they do... I guess nest decoration is a mother's prerogative!

Please say a little prayer today - Tim and I have a friend from church who is 24 years old and having a brain tumor removed at this moment... he needs our thoughts and prayers!

This morning there was a car accident on the freeway outside my bedroom window. At 5:30am. The police, ambulance and fire trucks couldn't get through because traffic sucked, so they just sat their with their sirens on. I tried to be mad about it but then remembered that the people in the accident were dealing with a whole lot more than being awakened early. So I went running.

And finally, if you've read this far, leave me a comment! I see my counter moving, but I'm fully convinced that only my mom, Tim, and occasionally Eva love me. It takes two seconds. You can do it!

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